Volunteer Code of Ethics
Volunteers are the lifeblood of our organization. Whether your knack is stuffing envelopes, grooming dogs, networking on behalf of CSBR, working on special projects or walking dogs…you are making a positive contribution and having an impact in the lives of all Saint Bernards at the Rescue.
As a volunteer representing CSBR, your conduct and interactions with other volunteers, board members, and the public is expected to always be professional, respectful and courteous. In volunteering, you are making a commitment to CSBR and the Saints to carry, to the best of your abilities, the tasks you have pledged to perform.
The Volunteer Code of Ethics clarifies the expectations and principles for CSBR volunteers. Should a volunteer display unprofessional, dishonest or unethical behavior, the volunteer will be asked to leave the premises. Such behavior may result in termination of volunteer status with CSBR.
- As a volunteer for Colorado Saint Bernard Rescue, I agree to represent and promote their mission and policies.
- As a volunteer for Colorado Saint Bernard Rescue, I understand it is my responsibility to be educated about Saint Bernards and their characteristics.
- As a volunteer for Colorado Saint Bernard Rescue, I will keep the best interests of the animal first and foremost and serve as his/her advocate.
- As a volunteer for Colorado Saint Bernard Rescue, I will treat my fellow volunteers with respect and kindness and shall not engage in any unacceptable behavior.
- As a volunteer for Colorado Saint Bernard Rescue, I will keep safety at the forefront of all volunteer activities, use equipment, and supplies as they are intended and follow the rules presented to me.
- As a volunteer for Colorado Saint Bernard Rescue, I will not be impaired by alcohol, illegal drugs or the misuse of legal medications, while involved in any activity related to CSBR.
- As a volunteer for Colorado Saint Bernard Rescue, I will keep confidential, refrain from disclosing to others, and use only in the performance of my duties all confidential information of CSBR that I develop or learn about during the course of my association with CSBR.
- As a volunteer for Colorado Saint Bernard Rescue, I will never use CSBR property, information or opportunities for personal gain.
- As a volunteer for Colorado Saint Bernard Rescue, I will not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, sex, age, disability, sexual orientation or any other protected category.
Thank you for reviewing our Volunteer Code of Ethics. Your participation in Colorado Saint Bernard Rescue is greatly appreciated and we hope your time with us is fun and fulfilling. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.